Protect your investment with our expert sealing and staining services. We offer sealing solutions for concrete, pavers, and walkways using water-based sealants that provide long-lasting protection against weathering, UV damage, and stains. Our meticulous application process ensures even coverage and a flawless finish, extending the lifespan of your surfaces and enhancing their appearance for years to come.


At Full Blast Exteriors, we specialize in restoring the pristine condition of various surfaces around your property. Whether it’s concrete, decks, patios, walkways, pavers, or porches, our surface cleaning service utilizes advanced techniques and equipment to remove dirt, grime, mold, and other stubborn stains. We begin with a pre-treat SH solution application, followed by a thorough cleaning process to ensure the removal of all contaminants. Our post-treat phase ensures that no residue or waste is left behind, leaving your surfaces looking brand new.

Stain Removal

Say goodbye to unsightly stains with our comprehensive stain removal services. From rust and oil to fluids and grease, our skilled team employs specialized techniques and eco-friendly products to effectively eliminate even the toughest stains without causing damage to your surfaces. Restore the pristine appearance of your property with Full Blast Exteriors’ stain removal expertise.

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